Data load error classifications

The errors detailed on the data load report can be classified to help target the area to troubleshoot.

There are 6 data load error classifications:

  1. "System error": An error condition that has been caused by system fault, including an internal error, or a required component such as the REACT database being unavailable, or there is no study data mapping present in the REACT system (i.e., the database) for the study electing a particular upload in the list, displays details in the lower part of the page as a set of reports

  2. "Raw data source error": An error condition that is due to a problem with the source data not being available (e.g., network error, or data file server being unavailable which prevented the ETL from accessing the data files)

  3. "Mapping error": An error condition associated with the data mapping parameters (e.g., a column name in the file does not exist)

  4. "Data error": An error condition associated with the data within the file meaning that the data was not parsable for entry into the database (e.g., the data did not match the required type such as a string where an integer was expected)

  5. "Upload Warning": Where the number of unique subjects in the source data is not equal to the number of subjects in the uploaded data

  6. "Data warning": Not strictly an error condition, where data in the raw file did not meet the desired format, so it was altered from how it appears in the source data

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